Robbie Starbody has mastered many elements of life. Talk to him some time... he might teach you......
Anyway, he likes to keep his life mysterious. Robbie keeps people guessing. If you think you know him, guess again!
Robbie lives an extreme life. He manages multiple sports, extracurricular activities, and group activities outside of school. All while maintaining a killer GPA. Robbie is the man! You may know him from the Westmont Golf team, if not from class. Robbie plays Golf for Westmont Monday through Thursday. You can imagine that he dominates the course.(He does) I've heard rumors that Robbie even achieved a hole in 1... on a par 9 hole. I believe it. Robbie and the Team even has a golf match coming up, against Prospect. Fun fact, the Prospect coach is the old Westmont Coach! Now that's a strange situation. Time for some revenge! Good luck Robbie!
After his Golf days, Robbie keeps his toned body by hittin' up Gold's Gym. Where he completes a rigorous workout routine. This routine consists of 100 sit-ups...... while holding a Ford F-150, 300 push ups(legend has it, that when Robbie does a push up, he doesn't push himself up, he pushes the earth away), then Robbie uses a Bowflex... upside down. And that's how he keeps this body, yes, that's him.
On Saturdays you can find Robbie jammin' out with his band. Ha. Just when you thought Robbie was as awesome and extreme as he could get. Robbie is an amazing guitar player. He can lay down one tasty jam. You can find him playing with the exalted Brandon Bambino(drums) and Jordan S.(vocals). Its amazing how many talents Robbie has that allows him to live his life at the max.
Robbie Starbody is one of the most intelligent, caring, and humorous people i have ever met. He is truly a very talented person and an all around a pleasure to have around. In class he participates fully and always has a complete answer on even the hardest questions. He has even mastered the art of rhetorical analysis.
Robbie is the man to know, it has really been an honor to be in the same class as him. He is phenomenal and just extraordinary.
Try living that life. Try living the extreme life, of Robbie Starbody.
*Toast* to the man, we love you Robbie. Keep doing what you're doing.